Privacy Policy

"Facebook V for Vendetta" by gemmerich is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

Medical practice and doctor-patient relationship

Article 10 of the "Codice Deontologico" (Principles of Good Medical Practice) reads: (Translated unofficially by Dr Cognetti for your convenience - The Italian version prevails) 

"The doctor must keep confidential everything that is told them or that they learn during the course of their profession. The patient's death does not free the doctor from this confidentiality obligation.
The doctor must inform their co-workers of the confidentiality obligation. Breaking medical confidentiality constitutes a serious misconduct when there is a chance to make profit for oneself or another out of it, or when the patient, or someone else can come to harm because of it.
Revelation is allowed when due to a just cause, within the purpose of obeying a statutory obligation (police reports and reports to the Judicial Authority, mandatory medical reports, notifications of infectious diseases, and mandatory certifications), or as regulated by the following articles 11 and 12.
The doctor does not have to testify to a judge on facts and circumstances that are covered by medical confidentiality.
Erasure from the medical register does not morally release the doctor from this article's obligations. 

To consult the Codice Deontologico (in Italian) in its entirety, it is recommended to visit the website of the Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e Odontoiatri della Provincia di Forlì-Cesena

Website and communications

The data that you will share through the website or the communication channels I have shared here (E-mail, PEC, mobile phone) will be kept only in the event of a therapeutic relation, for the duration of the same, and for the sole purpose of diagnosis and care, and deriving statutory obligations, or until an explicit communication of interruption of the therapeutic relation and request to remove the data (according to the relevant Laws and directives). You will never receive commercial communications from me or my collaborators. 

You will always be informed, and invited to give (or deny) your consent before your data is ever shared with a colleague/collaborator during the course of diagnosis and care. 

Sarete sempre informati, ed invitati ad esprimere la vostra autorizzazione (o diniego) prima che i vostri dati siano condivisi con un collega/collaboratore nel corso dell'iter diagnostico e/o terapeutico.

As the website and its services are managed by Google it is useful to consult their privacy policy too, which for your convenience is linked below.