GP in Castelfranco

From May 1st 2024, I will begin my appointment as a "titolare" for this district. Patients will have to renew their GP choice through CUP or FSE on or after that date. Please note that I cannot prescribe or consult patients under the Italian National Health Service if they have not chosen me as their GP.

Here, I share some useful information to simplify your transition towards being under my care:

Where is my practice?

Beginning April the 2nd 2024 I will receive patients for consultations according to the following schedule:

Monday and Wednesday between h16:00 and h19:00

Tuesday and Thursday between h10:30 and h13:30

Friday between h13:00 and h16:00

Every consultation will last on average 15minutes (for an estimated 12 meetings a day). Numbered (between 1 and 12) tickets will be made available daily at opening time, and I will meet you according to the arrival order as documented by the tickets.

To request repeat prescriptions, or to bring extraordinary circumstances to my attention, you are invited to send me text messages (SMS) on the mobile number +393514519811 specifying name, surname, and the nature of your request.

I kindly remind you that on holidays and pre-holidays continuity of care (Out of hours GP) service is active and accessible via the phone number 800 032032

Occasionally, I will have to operate a few variations to my programmed work schedule, as follows:

May 24th-> I will receive patients between 10:00 and 13:00